Creating a Custom Product Property in Sitecore Commerce Server

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Creating a Custom Product Property in Sitecore Commerce Server

**Creating a Custom Property in Sitecore Commerce Server
**written by: sean fox,

In this scenario, I have a product which has an existing flag OnSale (checkbox), and I would like to add a new custom property Sale Price . If the OnSale flag is selected, I will then use and display the Sale Price to the user.

In Sitecore Commerce Server 8.0 & 8.1 desktop tools are used to perform custom property additions, specifically the Catalog and Schema Manager tool which can be found at the following (in a typical Sitecore Commerce Server installation)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Commerce Server 11\Business User Applications\CatalogAndInventorySchemaManager.exe

In Catalog and Schema Manager I will select Create New Property , give the property a name and a data type, and then Save and Close , and then close the Catalog and Schema Manager.

At this point, the new property has been created, and I will now navigate to the Content Editor , and open the Sitecore Commerce Tab . In order for the property to be now updated in the system, I will then click on Update Data Templates

At this point the new Sale Price property has been added to the Commerce Product template, and is now available on Products