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Extending SXC with ability to rollback Entity Versions

New plugin to extend Sitecore Experience Commerce with the ability to rollback entity versions.

XCentium released a new plugin that extends Sitecore Experience Commerce (SXC) with these 3 features: 1-Ability to Delete the most recent Entity Version and thus Revert to the previous version. 2-Ability to Delete the oldest Entity Version. 3-A minion that you can set up to automatically clean older entity versions to control DB size growth and for better performance.

Let's go through the 3 features offered by this new Sitecore Experience Commerce plugin in more detail:

1) Ability to Delete the most recent Entity Version and thus Revert to the previous version.

From BizFx you will see a new 'Delete' icon in the Entity Versions Component:

By deleting the most recent version, you will revert the entity to the previous version.

2) Ability to Delete the oldest Entity Version.

You can also delete the oldest Entity Version for cleanup purposes.

P.S: You can delete a version from the middle of the table for consistency and data accuracy reasons.

3) Cleanup Minion:

This plugin ships with a minion that allows you to automatically cleanup older Entity Versions.

This will help you control the growth of Shared DB size and keep your data to to what you really need.

By default the cleanup minion will keep the 5 most recent Entity Versions but this can be overriden using this policy:

   "$type": "XCentium.Commerce.Plugin.CatalogCleanup.Policies.CatalogCleanupMinionPolicy, XCentium.Commerce.Plugin.CatalogCleanup",
   "VersionsToRetain": 5

For more information about How to Install, and for access to Github Repo, please contact us at info@xcentium.com or yassine.alahyane@xcentium.com

This plugin was developped and tested using Sitecore Experience Commerce 9.3