Running Sitecore Commerce Engine on http Disabling SSL

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Running Sitecore Commerce Engine on http - Disabling SSL

I have seen many developers on Sitecore Community Channels asking if it was possible to run Sitecore Commerce Engine on http only, without SSL on their local development machine. There isn't apparently any documentation on the subject. So with this blog post i am going to walk you through the quick steps to get this done.

In order to disable SSL in Sitecore Commerce you need to follow these steps:

Step 1 - IIS Bindings:

-Commerce Authoring: Replace https://localhost:5000 binding with http://localhost:5000

-Commerce Shops: Replace https://localhost:5005 binding with http://localhost:5005

-Commerce Minions: Replace https://localhost:5010 binding with http://localhost:5010

-Commerce Ops: Replace https://localhost:5015 binding with http://localhost:5015

-BizFx: Replace https://localhost:4200 binding with http://localhost:4200

-Identity Server: Add http://localhost:5050 binding

Step 2 - Commerce Engine Configs:

-Navigate to \wwwroot\config.json and add make the following changes:

"SitecoreIdentityServerUrl": ?"http://localhost:5050"

"AllowedOrigins": ?\["http://localhost:4200",




(Optional) - If you are running your engine from the Console (Kestrel) instead of IIS Express, turn off https in Kestrel:

"UseHttpsInKestrel": ?false

Step 3 - Bizfx Configs:

-Navigate to \assets\config.json and update EngineUri, BizFxUri and IdentityServerUri as follows:

"EngineUri": "http://localhost:5000",

"IdentityServerUri": "http://localhost:5050",

"BizFxUri": "http://localhost:4200",

Step 4 - Sitecore Identity Server Configs:

-Navigate to Config\production\Sitecore.Commerce.IdentityServer.Host.xml and make the following changes:




Step 5 - Engine Connect Configs:

-On your Sitecore instance, navigate to App_Config\Include\Y.Commerce.Engine\Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.config and make the following changes:





PS: You can also use http://localhost:5000 for all commerce engine Urls if you'd like to use Authoring only on your local dev environment.

You are now all set. You can access Bizfx through http://localhost:4200 and the storefront through the usual Url.

The port numbers used above are only an example. You can also keep the original ports for the https and create new ones for http.