How Prepared Is Your Organization for the Holidays?

Senior Marketing Manager
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How Prepared Is Your Organization for the Holidays?

The year is almost over!

Although most consumers still think the holidays are months away, the fact is that most brands and retailers started planning way ahead. With last year s uncertainties and new shopping experiences carried over to this year, the market remains challenging and competitive. So, the question comes in, the year is thankfully almost over, but how prepared is your brand in keeping up with holiday demand and adapting to new ways of serving customers?

Three trends to consider

  1. An eCommerce driven season

With the growth of eCommerce over the past year, many brands are shifting towards direct-to-consumer eCommerce strategies, where consumers shop via websites or mobile apps.

  1. Roles of stores

As we witnessed a decline in in-store shopping, the trend that seems to be on the rise is a hybrid solution that offers both online/offline shopping with curbside pickup, BOPIS, and ROPIS capabilities. Consumers are looking for a frictionless and convenient shopping experience that can be accessed throughout their journey, no matter the channel.

  1. Social commerce

Consumers are turning to social apps for inspiration and recommendations. Brands need to take advantage of that by encouraging people to connect with their businesses and complete an entire purchase process without leaving their preferred apps. As buyers shift towards small screens for routine purchases, streamlining the checkout process is crucial by eliminating drop-off points resulting in abandoned transactions.

Leverage cutting-edge technology

Your inventory might be ready and probably perfect, but what matters is bridging the gap between product availability and product deliverability. Having a solid and powerful eCommerce solution differentiates your business in a competitive market. Here are some questions to help with your planning.

  • How prepared is your website for traffic?

  • Are you creating a hassle-free customer experience?

  • Are there unique shipping and fulfillment options?

  • Is 24/7 customer service and support available?

  • Did you evaluate third-party integrations?

  • Does your website offer several payment options?

  • Is a multi-recipient functionality enabled?

  • Is your data optimized to drive personalization?

Strategies beyond customer acquisition

Selling to existing customers has a 14 times higher probability than selling to new customers. Take advantage of early shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday to build up a database from loyalty programs or subscription strategies. By Christmas, nurturing leads is crucial. Brands need to purposefully engage with their audience by offering relevant and customized content and offering support when needed. ?

Although Christmas is the most anticipated holiday, it can carry a lot of pressure, especially if brands aren t ready. Having a strong digital eCommerce platform that can deliver an unforgettable customer experience and a seamless buyer journey can differentiate you from the rest.

If you have any questions about digital commerce or strategy please don t hesitate to reach out for a no-cost, no-commitment consultation and a member of our team will contact you shortly.