

A comprehensive evaluation to help you select, implement, and adopt the right solution for your organization.

Capabilities and Expertise 

Leverage a solid and powerful digital solution

This in-depth and technical audit will uncover issues recommended for remediation, and a framework to help prioritize them with ease.

Evaluation of Visual Studio Solution 

Identifying bad code practices, Memory leaks, Code vulnerabilities, and diffcult to maintain solution structure.

Information Architecture

Identifying inefficiencies and other issues with your tree structure, insert options, module configuration, data templates and standard values.


Analyzing configuration file settings to identify inconsistencies, bad practices, and ineffeciencies.

Hosting Infrastructure

Reviewing hosting infrastructures to identify performance bottlenecks and security vulnerabilities.


Identifying errors in logs that would indicate that the application is not working as expected.

Solution Build and Deployment Process 

Analyzing the consistency and predictability of the existing solution and its deployment code without human intervention.

Success Story

Ohio National Financial Services

Paving the way for digital transformation and developing an all-new site platform to support current growth strategy.

Scalability and Flexibility

Setting the foundation for scalability with reusable components and content that can be shares across sites.

Multi-site Migration

Migrating and launching 3 sites simultaneously.

Award of Excellence 

Ohio National Received an award of Excellence from the Cincinnati chapter of the PRSA.

We are very proud of our work, client collaboration, and the digital transformations we've accomplished. It is exciting to see our solution implementations delivering value to organizations.


Samantha Goble, VP of Digital
